For Sale
Thank you for your interest in Shirah Cattle. At this time, we have the following available. Please keep an eye out on this page as we will update it regularly with new information. Please give us a call or contact us today via our contact form to place an order. We are also happy to help with any questions you might have.

20 Bred Brahman and Brahman Cross Heifers
Vet Checked confirmed bred to LBW Hereford and SimAngus bull. Deep fleshy heifers with bone. Calving now until December. Located in Ashford, Alabama, 36312.

29 head of Brahman Heifers
29 head of Brahman Heifers bred to LBW Hereford bulls. Vet checked confirmed bred all but 9 of younger Heifers. 2-9 months bred with majority 6+ months. 4 calves (Pairs)already. Will sell as group or breds and pairs.

60 head Brahman cross halfblood type heifers
About 14-18 months old. Weighing about 800-900lb. About 15 hd. Straight grey brahaman heifer and lot of tiger stripes. Pretty easy going for halfbloods. We are in them everyday. Selling exposed to LBW Red Angus bulls for 60+ days. $1,750 pick 5 head or more.

Mashona Fullblood Bull - SOLD
4 yr old Mashona Fullblood Bull that came from Dry Creek Mashonas. Easy going, easy fleshing bull. Throws red calves on red cows and black on black.

20 Brahman cross heifers - SOLD
Exposed to LBW Red Angus bull. Several Tigerstripes. All will be halfbloods to 3/4 bloods. $1,450 a head.

2 young registered Brangus bulls - SOLD
Out of very productive cows and top bulls. Fully vaccinated and good dispositions. Finish raising them the way you like.
2063 Bull- 1 year old. Ai bull out of BRB Rapid Reward 99W11. Lot of length and bone.
2118 Bull- 11 month old. Was top bull calf saved at weaning. Lot of depth and bone.
$2,000 each.

Herd of 28 young cows and 5 calves to date - SOLD
All cows Preg checked and due to calve now threw December. Had Cattlemaster VL5 and wormed at Preg checking. Most all cows 3-6 years old ranch raised here on my place. Not trade cows. Cows bred to very good Charolais and Semiangus bulls. $42,000 for group.
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