About us

Dreams really do come true; with all thanks and glory to God and my savior Jesus Christ. I grew up on a farm not far from our home in Ashford, Alabama. As a kid, working beside my dad and grandad row cropping peanuts, cotton, corn, and tending to several different herds of crossbred cows on our cow/calf operation; there was no doubt what I wanted to do when I grew up. I wanted nothing else but to be a Cowboy.
Being born with a passion for cattle and horses definitely came with challenges, but I can proudly say through a life long career in the cattle business; working and managing at different ranches across the Southeast and working with all kinds of different breeds of Registered cattle, Shirah Cattle Company - A Registered Brangus Seedstock Operation was born; born with a Maternal Mission in mind.
To learn more about our story, our cattle, and our farm - you can visit our Gallery page to see what we have been up to lately!